Saturday, November 10, 2012

Clyde, my trusty sidekick

I have now, 19 adult guinea fowl, 1 dog, 3 cats, and who knows how many fish in the pond(I started with 10, but they had babies this summer).   All but the fish follow me everywhere outdoors.  Everywhere I go, I feel as though I'm leading a parade!   And then there is Clyde.

I do not normally let "my girls" sit on their eggs, unless I know someone who wants some guinea keets in advance of them hatching, but this year I made an exception due to the aging of my little flock (they are 6 years old this year).

I do not know what was going on down there, but it seemed that I kept finding only dead or nearly dead keets this time around.  I rescued Clyde and one other baby, but the other one seemed to have some sort of neurological damage from the start, as his little legs would barely hold him upright. 

Keet #2 soon died, and that left only Clyde, who was thriving.  

Feeling rather sorry for the little fellow, being left all alone in the world, I promptly took on the task of surrogate guinea mom.

Which leads me to where we are today.  I now have a spoiled rotten little adolescent guinea keet who loves classical music, has his very own bedroom, and who loves above all else, to perch upon said mother's head.  

 Going out for a walk

Clyde is a special little bird, that's for sure and for certain.  He does not make the loud noises that most guineas his age and older are famous for.  Only a songbird-like peeping, which I like to believe indicates his contentment.

I can't possibly send him down to live with the "general population" down at the coop, given the fact that he is a male guinea, and, well - they are a little bit scrappy to put it mildly.  He being the smallest at this point, would make a most excellent target for their aggressions I'm afraid.

If he were a female, it probably wouldn't be an issue at all - but he is not, and so at least for the time being, he is here in the house. 

I can't really complain too much.  He has been a perfect house guest actually.  He's quiet, not too messy and has been quite entertaining as he learns about his surroundings. 

Both of my daughters boyfriends think that he is the coolest thing ever, and so I am hopeful that I may be able to find him a permanent home as a house guinea.

Back in jail...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Abstract #8

Abstract #8 - "Red Sky at Night" By C Caton -
Black and red abstract - SOLD
(Still unable to eliminate the glare - apologies)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Price increases and some random thoughts on art

Those of you who have either dealt with me before, or who perhaps check out my blog here well know that I am totally unschooled in art.

The one thing that I have attempted to "study" - albeit on my own and primarily on the internet - is pricing of art.  And I've got to tell you right here and right now, that I don't "get it".  There seems to be very little rhyme or reason to it. 

But, I do know that the time has come that I must raise my prices - I simply cannot afford to sell them so inexpensively any longer.  Ebay/Paypal fees being what they are, plus the shipping costs, and well - that doesn't leave a whole lot leftover.   I love to paint - I really do - but, my urge to paint is not greater than my urge to eat and have a roof overhead.

So - if there is a piece that I currently have available on Ebay that you like, this is the last week that you can get one at the lower prices. 

Painting artwork is sometimes such a contradictory thing...on the one hand it is a joy and a delight, and finishing a painting is always a bittersweet ordeal.  Then comes the decidedly not fun part for me - the photographing of the piece, listing it online, getting it loaded up onto this site or that one so that others can see it. 

And then finally, another bittersweet moment when your work has sold, and the realization that you'll probably never see it again sets in - but also the realization that some other person or people may glean some measure of enjoyment from it.  And you can't help but hope that your creation is headed off to a "good home" - much like sending a child out into the world. 

Other strange contradictions that I've found regarding art - Now I'm the first one to admit that I don't know a lot about art - but I do not understand how it is that some of these pieces sell for the prices that they do.   I've seen pieces that couldn't have taken more than an hour to paint, that consist of very little skill - some literally are just splotches of color - sell for thousands of dollars.  Why?  Am I missing something? 

Which I guess brings me back to the pricing increase (no, it isn't going to be thousands of dollars) - but really, I just can't afford to spend so many hours working on something to sell for $40 or so, though I really wish I could.     

If I actually lived in my perfect little world that floats around in my mind, I'd give them away to whoever wanted one - but unfortunately even us dreamers have to pay the bills in the here-and-now!

So here it is - last call at the lower pricing.  Just click on the "Items for Sale" under my picture here to see all that I have available at the moment. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Heavy on my heart and mind....

All of these women and girls who have met with a horrible end lately....From Malala in Pakistan to Whitney in the USA and all of the countless others.  My heart breaks for each and every one of them...

"If I Could Paint A Perfect World"  By C Caton

To find such a perfect place as this
That exists only in my mind, in my thoughts...

A place to escape this sad human race -
Is there such peace?  Is there such a place?

No "leaders", no "followers", no politics, no religion
To argue and fuss and fight over and over again,
the same old fights since time began.

No kidnappers, no murderers, no thiefs,
No liars, no cheats...

No taxes, no charges, no bills and no fees.

A place to be happy, be kind and to dream -
To watch the squirrels play and hear the birds sing

To watch little children laugh and play

Without the worry, fear and dread
That some lurking stranger wants them dead.

This world that exists only in my head,
Has none of these headlines I've grown to dread...

That someone's dear sister, daughter, friend or wife
Started out their day, just to loose their life.

I don't understand it -
No I don't think I can
This great growing evil
That lurks inside man.

"Away From It All - Fall on the Prairie" By C Caton

"Away From It All - Fall on the Prairie" By C Caton

The trees are putting on their fall performance, and hidden behind them a prairie home - a simple place.  A place where you can "be" - be yourself, think your thoughts, paint your paintings, read a book, write a book,  live your life - and most of all - be happy!

That's the short and simple explaination - if you wish to "delve deeper", then read on...

Every since I began painting, I suppose that it was/is in many ways, an escape.  I can get away from quite literally anything in my paintings.  I can create a world as I wish it to be.  And while I'm painting it, it is almost as though I live there in my painting.  

I look around this "real" world we exist in, and I really don't like what I see.  There are - I know - many, many really good and kind people in this world.  

But the evil lurks everywhere.  Have the men of this world gone collectively crazy?  Have they totally lost their minds?  

Yes I said MEN, and NO I'm not being sexist, I'm stating a fact.  The fact is, that nearly all of the violent people are men.  Sure there are isolated cases of women committing some heinous act, but it is largely and overwhelmingly men.

What's causing it?  Is it some horrible genetic mutation?  A virus?  A vitamin deficiency?  I don't know.  But I do know that it's not an American problem, or a Middle Eastern problem or a South American problem - it is a worldwide problem, and it really does seem to be getting worse as time goes on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thyroid Cancer

I haven't ever mentioned it on here, but thought that perhaps I should, because though thyroid cancer is somewhat uncommon, it is increasing and in fact is the most common endocrine cancer.

My own diagnosis was delayed by three years because my primary care doctor really wasn't at all concerned about the 22mm (2.2cm) lump in my thyroid gland that was found on a CT scan after a rather nasty fall.   It was really after I changed doctors - and even then, it took the anger of a family member before I was eventually referred to an endocrinologist. 

It has been my experience that most general practitioners know absolutely nothing about thyroid cancer, and even if your lump is readily visible as mine was, and even if you complain of trouble swallowing and neck pain, they tend to not worry about it at all, even when it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and looks like a duck they still refer to zebras and horses.  It can be frustrating beyond all belief or reason.   About all they do is repeatedly check your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels and tell you you're fine.   What they don't seem to realize or know is that most people with thyroid cancer are euthyroid - have normal hormone levels.

By the time they took out the first half of my thyroid gland, the lump had grown to 3.3cm, of which 1.9cm was cancerous.  I then had to return 2 days later for a second surgery to remove the other lobe of my thyroid - and it too had cancer (.9cm) in it.

It's now been a year since I had it removed and went through the radioactive iodine treatment, and I've just had my 1 year scan - which I am happy to report came back with "no evidence of metatastic thyroid cancer".   Still waiting on my bloodwork, but am confident that it too will be good news.

I still must stay on top of it, as it could come back at any time - even decades later.  But I'm lucky.  Lucky because delay in diagnosis can be a really bad thing.  Mine threw me into a higher risk category due to my age.  The thing is, it was not teeny tiny when it was found.  It may have been in there for a decade.  Had it been diagnosed when the lump was found I'd have had a three year headstart - not to mention it wouldn't have cost me nearly as much money as I had double insurance coverage at that time.  

So the bottom line and my advice to you - if you have a thyroid lump, nodule, whatever that you are concerned about, get yourself to an endocrinologist.   They can rule out true problems from non problems far more quickly and inexpensively than a doctor who knows next to nothing about it.

Know this:

If you have a lump over 1cm, standard protocol calls for a biopsy as a rule.    Again, mine was delayed, and even then came back as "undiagnostic" - so press for answers.

Cold nodules are more likely to be cancerous than hot ones (ones that produce thyroid hormone).   If your thyroid hormone levels are normal, yet you have a larger sized lump press them for answers as to what exactly that lump is doing there.  Do not just take their word for it that "these are very common".  Small ones yes, but larger ones need to be investigated.   Insist on going to an endocrinologist. 

I'm lucky in so many ways, not the least of which is having an endocrinologist who is very sharp - a very bright lady who has taken excellent care of me.  The trick was getting to her in the first place, but once I did things started happening and she got it taken care of.

If you need more information about thyroid cancer, I recommend

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Another oldie from 2008 - "Faithful Friend" by C Caton

"Faithful Friend" By C Caton, 2008

Here we have the kitty delivering flowers to his dearly departed friends, loving and missing them still.  He's swiped a few from the bush outside of the cemetary wall.   Done with watercolors and the Derwent Watercolor Pencils in 2008, and is in my own collection.

It's a long story, and I don't know if anyone cares, but if you do then read on -

My dad always loved cats, but we'd never had any pets when I was little until I brought home a kitten when I was 10 years old.   That cat lived to be 23 years old, dying when I was 33!  I couldn't possibly take her with me when I moved out in my early 20's,  with dad being as attached to her as he was, and so she had been his faithful friend all of those years. 

When she passed away, he made her a casket and buried her in the backyard with a headstone that read "Little Cat" A Faithful Friend for 23 Years".

Time went on, and they had "Big Kitty" then "White Kitty" and "Gray Kitty".  When Dad became very ill back in 2008, I went by the house on the way to the hospital to take care of the kitty, and I was really struck by how upset he was.  It was obvious that he very much missed my dad, going to his favorite chair and letting out the loudest meow.

That was the inspiration for this painting back in 2008, though Dad did recover that time.

My dad passed away January 2012, and it has been the same with "Gray Kitty" this time.   Mom says that he still seems to be looking for Dad...

**I had originally intended to make this blog something of a timeline of my work - It hasn't quite worked out that way, but I've been trying to add in some of my first work as time allows.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"A Frosty Fall Night" By C Caton

"A Frosty Fall Night" By C Caton

It's a frosty fall night in the country, and everything is glistening under the full moon! 

*There is some glare in the photos due to the metallic paints that were used.

Completed September 2012 - SOLD

Saturday, September 8, 2012

"The Trouble with Money" By C Caton

I don't really consider myself a poet, but on occassion I write a poem now and then.  This is one that I just wrote this evening.  I hope that you like it!

"The Trouble with Money"

When mankind's story comes to a close,
Will we all be remembered for our stylish clothes?

Will we be honored far and wide,
For our brand-new, beautiful shiny ride?

Will we get praise and high acclaim,
For what we did or who we blame?

The value of money only exists in our mind,
And if you put it aside, you might just find

That in order for all to have what they need,
All that's required is far less greed.

Just look at the food that we throw away -
And how many people will starve today??

It's the twenty first century, and isn't it time
That we quit killing people for want of a dime?

We can all have enough if we only share.
We can all have enough if we only care.

If you look around, isn't it funny -
That the only real shortage we have

Carolyn Caton, September 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Where the Deer and the Antelope Play" By C Caton

"Where the Deer and the Antelope Play" painting by C Caton - SOLD

A tip of the hat to Dr. Brewster Higley, who first penned his now famous poem back in the early 1870's.  I would imagine that he would be beyond surprised to know that we enjoy it still!

I believe that this was his original -

Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam,
  Where the deer and the antelope play;
  Where never is heard a discouraging word
     And the sky is not clouded all day.
Oh, give me the gale of the Solomon vale
  Where life streams with buoyancy flow,
  On the banks of the Beaver, where seldom if ever
     Any poisonous herbage doth grow.
Oh, give me the land where the bright diamond sand
   Throws light from the glittering stream;
   Where glideth along the graceful white swan,
      Like a maid in her heavenly dreams.

I love these wild flowers in this bright land of our;
   I love, too, the curlew's wild scream.
   The bluffs of white rocks and antelope flocks
     That graze on the hillsides so green.

How often at night, when the heavens are bright
   By the light of the glittering stars,
   Have I stood there amazed  and asked as I gazed
      If their beauty exceeds this of ours.   
The air is so pure, the breezes so light,
   The zephyrs so balmy at night,
   I would not exchange my home here to range
      Forever in azure so bright.
The original poem by Brewster Higley

While I like the song, I must confess that I am partial to the original poem, and it was the inspiration for this painting.

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Bright Spots"

"Bright Spots" By C Caton

Random brightly colored spots on a black background, big and small.   Life can sometimes seem to be full of darkness - believe me, I do know - but always there are the bright spots, small ones and large.  My bright spots are the people who like my artwork, and in some small fashion, perhaps I am a small bright spot to some of them as well!
So for all of those who are somebody's "bright spot" or for those who are having a hard time finding any - here you go!

Completed August 2012, signed on the back so that it can be hung in any direction.

Monday, August 20, 2012

"Grass" By C Caton

"Grass" By C Caton

Just playing around with a new brush that I bought recently, getting the hang of it.  This one has a fair amount of metallic paint in it, and it doesn't really come across in photos as it does in person. SOLD

Looks great on a variety of wall colors!

Completed August 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

"The Yellow Ribbon - Coming Home" By C Caton

"The Yellow Ribbon - Coming Home" By C Caton

The long wait is almost over, and Mom and the kids are joined by the neighbors across the way in waiting with eager anticipation for the first glimpse of their returning loved one!

These days, the yellow ribbon is most often used to signify a deployed soldier - but over the years, it has been used and has meant a missing loved one due to a variety of reasons - from hostages to returning parolees to soldiers. 

Completed August 2012 - SOLD

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"A Calm, Clear, Beautiful Night" By C Caton

"A Calm, Clear, Beautiful Night"  By C Caton

I always have been something of a night owl, and prefer to do most of my painting in the overnight hours since there are few distractions during that time -

Except of course when the night itself beacons!  What could be better than a stroll down a country lane on just such a night? 

This one is a small painting - only 10"x8" - and has metallic paints mixed into it, giving it a nice warm glow.

That "nice warm glow" also makes it difficult to photograph, and so I have scanned this one given its small size - works well for the most part, though it does sometimes bring up flaws that are not seen with the naked eye.

Completed July 2012 - SOLD

Monday, July 30, 2012

"The Happiest Time of Day" By C Caton

"The Happiest Time of Day" By C Caton

It's just after school, and Mom has the milk and cookies at the ready as she watches for the kids at the door! 
As the little people scurry home, she waves her first greeting to them as they hurry on to tell her all about their day.
July 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

"A Bad Year For Corn" By C Caton

"A Bad Year For Corn"  -  Corn country has been having a bad time of it this year - with the drought about all that's thriving are the weeds.  Sadly, hard work isn't always all it takes - sometimes you need a fair amount of luck as well.   SOLD

Completed July 2012 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Fresh Eggs! Ripe Tomatoes!"

"Fresh Eggs!  Ripe Tomatoes!"  by C Caton, June 2012
It's summertime in the country, and this little girl is setting up her egg and tomato stand in front of her family home!  SOLD

Friday, June 8, 2012

"The Things that I Need"

"The Things that I Need" By C Caton, June 2012

I've just completed this one, and also a poem to go with it -

"The Things that I Need"

These are the things that I need today -
A sturdy roof and a place to play.

A plot of clear ground and some seeds to sow,
Then the time to sit back and watch them grow.

A swing in the tree for hours of fun,
To relax and unwind when my work's all done.

These are the things that I need today -
And it's all right here, so here I'll stay!

By C Caton, 2012

(To see close-ups, just click on the pictures)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another old one - "The Straight and Narrow Path"

"The Straight and Narrow Path" By C Caton, 2008

I was searching through some discs tonight, and stumbled across some photos of my early watercolors (watercolor and watercolor pencil).

I actually still have this one!  It is from 2008, and was one of my very earliest ones...hard to believe that it's only been 4 years, seems like so long ago.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Towards Tomorrow"

"Towards Tomorrow" - If you leave out all of the drama, trauma, and complications, what you're left with is an uncomplicated, peaceful prairie sunset with the cows and you looking on towards tomorrow!
  Completed May 2012

I'm having a dreadful time photographing this one, and I'm afraid that in spite of my best efforts there is still some glare. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hummingbird Moth

I was out walking the other night, and happened across this guy - Thought that it was a hummingbird at first, but it is actually a "hummingbird moth".

"Red Desert Hills"

"Red Desert Hills" - Not a real place, just painting along...A lovely red desert with the clouds creating their fleeting shadows.  Completed May 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

"An Evening Stroll"

"An Evening Stroll" - It's a beautiful evening, and the cowboy and his lady are just heading out for a stroll!
Completed May 2012   20"x16" on canvas

A personal favorite of mine, and is in my own collection.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Abstract #4

Okay...So you know how I said I wasn't going to do anymore of these for a while?  Well, I went to buy more canvas the other day, and while I was there I picked up a few new paints.  Of course I had to try them out right away, and so here we go. 

I rarely use paints straight out of the tube, and I it always thrills me to no end to have a new tube or two of paint to mix up and see what happens.  SOLD

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mary had a Little Lamb

"Mary had a Little Lamb"

Mary had a little lamb,
whose fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went,
the lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day...

This song got stuck in my head one day, and the next thing I knew I was painting it.  Here is Mary, giving her little lamb a talking to, trying to get him to go back home - Completed April, 2012   8"x10"  SOLD

Sunday, April 22, 2012

One More Abstract

Here's one more, then I'm back off to do my thing - it's been fun, but I miss my own little painted world!  I may do some more sometime, but I think that's it for now.  SOLD

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Abstract #2

And another warm-up piece - SOLD


I was asked recently to do some abstract paintings for a project - not my normal style, but I've had a lot of fun doing them!   First, I was doing them as a sort of "warm up" for the project pieces - then after I finished the project, I decided to make a few more. 

This is one of the "warm up" pieces, but I like it.  SOLD

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Dinner Time!"

"Dinner Time!" - Thank goodness for the dinner bell when your family's here, there, and everywhere!  Mom's ringing the dinner bell while her family scrambles in from far and wide.   Just completed, April 2012  SOLD

To see the larger photos, just click on the picture! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

After April Showers

"After April Showers" - Come the May flowers and they are all blooming wildly in this painting!  A mother and daughter are out to pick a basketful to brighten their home. SOLD